We cannot just be a party that is standing behind Trump. We need a broader set of ideas for reform and making meaningful fixes to the broken system.

  1. Fixing our Education System:
    • We can no longer blame the Democrats for the failed education system if we do not do something in this cycle to change what is coming out of the education factories.
    • Lack of Civics, Critical Race Theory and Gender studies in schools are only the outcrop of decades of destruction within the Higher Education Schools that create the next generation of teachers.
  2. Reform the judicial system in such a way that immunity no longer exist For politicians, judges, District Attorney’s and the police.

  3. Reform International Trade:
    • America can no longer be the dupe of the world with OFFSHORING businesses!
    • Bring business back to America, making it the center of the UNDISPUTED ECONOMIC CENTER of the world!
    • Lower the Business Tax to the lowest in the world!
  4. Stop with you fake week and ineffectual system of people who refuse to work despite them being able to, gaming the disability system so that they are not forced to work. Corollary, eliminate the system that encourages incarceration of
     black youth and breakup of black families.
  5. Destroy the Swamp:
    • Create an END to the Administrative State that is Destroying American Excellence!
  6. Sunset Law on ALL of the Agencies, Programs and Spending that is NOT specifically outlined within the Constitution!