The Loss of American Individualism…

…and HOW to GET IT BACK!

What we have discovered from COVID is simple. And complicated. We saw that our Federalist system worked and that the only time that it didn’t work was when the Federalist system was pushed aside for one Uni-Party unified government action.

Here’s what I mean.

In response to COVID under Trump we initially saw 50 different reactions from 50 different states, some states like New Jersey went into complete lockdown.  Eventually this action would prove to us that it hurt more than helped. Going out would be discouraged, gathering would be forbidden and everything would be shut down.  What was seen was a destruction of student learning and an eroding of our civil liberties. But what was truly lost? A definite decline in student growth? Yes, but that’s been going on since the indoctrination centers identified as schools went into partisan overdrive.   

Then there were the states such as South Dakota and others that were a hybrid of lockdown on some measures.  South Dakota didn’t lock down.   We know from the evidence of South Dakota and places like Sweden that when you don’t lock down things are okay.  Your state or country recovers quicker with less damage done to the people as a whole.  he states that didn’t lock down, did better or the same as those that did lock down.  Yes, there were risks with this. For those of us who live in reality, there are ALWAYS RISKS in living! How easy it was for the government to dismantle our God given rights?  Real Easy!  

What happened to American individualism?

There used to be a time when we as Americans were praised for our individualism. The hearty rough spirited tough-minded American who would think what they wanted, say what they say and do what they want. These were the people who built the frontier. They were rugged, dangerous and capable men and women (yes- just two genders). No challenge was too great or too small for them to overcome. When they overcame an issue, it was not equal anywhere in history.  A society that went from the industrial age to the space age, to the computer age in less time than it took from the iron plow to the steel plow.  And yet, our country has drifted into a malaise of intestinal fortitude, or a lack of True Grit. 

It was this type of mentality that won two world wars and helped to defeat Communism around the world.  The ability of the American to be independent minded, unhesitatingly dangerous when called upon made the American GI the champion of the world.  

What went wrong? Why are we losing that edge in the coming generations? Others have asked me.  After long consideration, some research and lots of talk, here’s the answer: 

Part of the problem is that we as a country have given too much credence and trust to “people”. Any people, all people. We think that experts are truly experts and should be the end-all be all. Think Fauci, think every doctor who refuses to believe in the lab leak.  The politicians and media who refused to believe that there was a problem with the injections. The “experts” who believed that masks would save you.  They were all wrong, repeatedly. 

Sure, many believe their experts like God, but they’re not God, not even a minor god or a demi-god.  Somewhere along this path we forgot to use the wits that God gave us, our common sense. Instead of using common sense and seeing the spewing bull crap for what it was – bullcrap, we fell for the lie. Because we were scared. We were scared because we allowed ourselves over the last 50 years to lose that “Screw you I’m going to do what I want mentality.” It’s been beaten out of us. Look at our schools compliance is number one. You better not say those bad words.  I need a safe space!  

What will happen next?  It will get worse before it gets better.

And that, PEDO President, “Is No Joke!”

During the turn of the 20th century we were lulled into creating an administrative state that is filled with “experts” that really reinforce the formula of the hard liner leftists.  This is why we have an EPA dumping toxins into the water, Flint Water destroyed, the water crisis in the west and an ongoing struggle on the environment identified as “climate change.”   These “experts” fall under the guidance of the Executive Branch of the government as departments.  They create rules and fees, create the administrative hoops that must be run through in order to get anything done.  


Because the Legislative Branch, the Congress, doesn’t believe it has the know how or the will.  And the Courts cannot be bothered with the judicial overload within the court systems.  So, the Legislative purposely makes the laws governing these areas of administration vague for the bureaucrats to make rules that invariably gum up the works. 

Supposedly, the “Check” on this is the funding model provided within the Constitution.  Congress makes up the bills that fund these monstrosities.  Why NOT just threaten taking the money away for erroneous nonsensical bureaucratic rules, actions and regulations that these departments screw up.  

Because Congress doesn’t have the guts or the grit to make it happen. 

The answer then is much more simpler.  


Every agency, every rule set by the agencies, every find or fee, everything comes up for review every certain number of years.  Break the legislation into even pieces, maybe by thirds.  Every other year, another of the pieces reaches its Sunset life of six years.  If it isn’t actively renewed, voted on individually, it disappears.  No more, EPA, or ATF, or any of the alphabet soup agencies that attack our lives and make every American commits three felonies a day. 

We get bludgeoned by the “experts” to believe their need for more regulation, more intrusive monitoring, greater “education” (see indoctrination) for the coming generations.

We need to stop it.  The best way, perhaps the only way at this late point in the game, is to do an end run around them.  Force them to be accountable by creating an environment in which they are the one who is watched to make sure they are not committing a crime.  

Let’s Make them Sunset!