You have been abandoned. And they, those who hold political power, DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT US! 

Recently, I’ve been working my way through a series of short novels on 18th century England, which would at the turn into the 19th century become Great Britain.  The novels are from the perspective of a country gentleman who makes his way up the social ladder, working for the government and living “large” for 18th century England. Throughout the story there is always on the horizon, so far, the impending French Revolution and the general causes of it. 

The perspective of the aristocracy, the upper class or the blue bloods of the novel is that we the little people are the “children” that need to be taken care of.  “Make sure that they have their bread and some pittance of food so that they don’t revolt as those Frogs have.”  All for fear of a bloody revolution.  “We must maintain the order of the classes.” is the usual refrain from the characters.  

We are expected to bow and scrape to their Lords. 

The Lords mock the idea that the great unwashed have rights and deserve a seat at the table of governance. “Imagine a world where they would have a say.  It would be like America.  Chaos!”  Even after we kicked their asses out of our country they managed to believe we were unworthy.    

It is, according to the righteous nobility, the duty of those who are gentlemen to care for those in their orbit, no matter how lowly they are on the scale.  Again, as if we are children and unable to live our lives, despite the hazards put on us by the governments, the failure of their systems to prevent corruption, the built in class system, the crime, the land theft and lack of opportunity created by the English to prevent those with money to rise up unless they were titled.  Yes, even millionaires are looked down on.  Millionaires such as Elon Musk’s would be looked down upon.  Scoffed at, ridiculed as bumpkins and unworthy.  

In short, they really don’t think that anyone but themselves could possibly be entitled to rights, property ownership or is smart enough to be leading anything.  They believe this despite the obvious corruption that is faced within their system, the miring of bureaucracy and the criminal behavior of government organs.  It is the only system that would work.  Imagine, a system in which people were saying, it’s the only way things can work.  Doesn’t that sound familiar when the defenders of the swamp show their face? 

How does the Left Act like Aristocrats?

Today, those in power are the aristocracy from the novel I just described.  They don’t understand what it feels like to live paycheck to paycheck.  Sure, they will tell you that they remember the “struggle”.  They don’t remember and they don’t care to associate themselves with those memories.  They’ve arrived.  You haven’t.  While the elites talk and lament about their alleged past struggles, they will sip their $12 coffee, reading from their thousand dollar phones. The high end is the norm.  They sleep in comfort in a fully equipped apartment in the richest county in the country protected by 24/7 police protection. Yet, they know how we live.

You might ask, what of those student loans that were forgiven.  Isn’t that helping the “little people”?  No, it’s actually not. A majority of those graduating from the indoctrination centers known as colleges and universities  help those entitled that have joined the President’s party at the expense of the rest of us, those who are the real “great unwashed”. Those of us who work for a living.  Cutting through the chaff of life while trying to care for our families.  We sleep at night with the door locked hoping someone doesn’t break it down, government or criminal.  

No, Brandon Biden is doing what any good nobleman of the 18th century would do, he is making their path easier.  At least the 18th century nobleman paid the freight of their good deeds.  Brandon is putting the burden on the rest of society. There are other similarities between the lecherous George IV and Joe, but we can save that for another time. 

What about the border?

Bringing in all those future servants for the rich elitists? It is widely accepted that the left is bringing in these people to increase their voting base, just as the aristocrats hired servants and kept those on their lands fed and cared for. The new illegals are meant to be those “renters” of their rich masters.

Lunch Bucket Joe will tell us how he is just an ordinary guy, wearing his $500 suits, living off of the good graces of our country as he sells out the country to the highest bidder, which is usually China.  While Brandon languishes in his Rehoboth Beach get away for another weekend break.  You’re idea of a vacation this year is sitting in the car for ten minutes between your first and second jobs, that are available to you because of the improved economy.  See how the country has improved.  Thank God for Joe Biden’s Bidenomics!  Higher inflation, higher taxes, more money to Ukraine, border wide open and a cascading level of crime that has not reached it’s heights. 

The answer to this is simple.


Editor’s Note: BUMB is Defined as the fleshy part of the body you sit on….. Get it?