This is the start of a larger set of articles on how to SWING NEW JERSEY REPUBLICAN. (Check back for future articles.)
Let’s talk about strategy in New Jersey.
There’s certainly been a realignment of voters in New Jersey. An important swing state in the 2028 Presidential Election. Yes, I said swing state. Let’s not forget that New Jersey has more electoral votes than Wisconsin (10), Nevada (6) and Arizona (11). New Jersey is more likely to go Republican in 2028 after a successful Trump term than many other potential swing states. Both states are two hundred thousand votes away from a Trump win. Much closer than anticipated. This is all predicated that we have a strong REPUBLICAN Governor win in 2025 to carry the standard of Republican values into the corners of New Jersey.
Virginia is handicapped with implanted residents of the federal government bureaucracy mixed in an incestuous way with the corporate media. In New Jersey there is a large segment of hardworking black and legal Hispanic voters that are fed up with democrats ignoring them. New Jersey Republicans have an opportunity to demonstrate to them, the rest of the state and the rest of the country that minorities have more in common with Republican values of faith, family and country than the “I hate America club” of Democrats who tell God to leave their rally’s, which put ideology before common sense, and preach America is evil. The election of President Trump proves this…
The Hispanic Vote….
Here’s some Data:
- 86% of the Hispanic population in NJ is bilingual.
- 41% of the Hispanic population is registered independent and 15% register as Republican.
- The voter numbers are significantly slanted towards President Trump.
As seen in the chart there were tremendous vote increases since 2016. We primarily compare to 2016 because of the widespread use of mail-in balloting during 2020 which brings a different model of voting, this corrupts the purity of the data and requires a review of the last similar election style that also preserves the similarities of the candidates. Trump is the same candidate in 2016 and 2024, thus it makes sense to compare from these similar starting lines.
The trendline is clear on two major topics. One, Trump did far better than he did in 2016. Harris did significantly worse in most counties and only marginally improved since 2016. All of her numbers were far below Biden’s 2020 numbers. Two, the increase in votes for Trump are based on the working middle class of voters, Hispanic, Black and White. All groups increased their vote for Trump.
This is an inflection point in New Jersey Politics.
Or at least it is an opportunity. From this point forward we will need clear messaging and smart operational planning matched with a solid approach from solid candidates. Put the loons away.
We as Republicans have much more in common with these groups than Democrats. Our candidates need to be serious and judicious. They’re NOT Donald Trump. We love him, but he is his own type. God broke the mold, there isn’t anyone like him and you shouldn’t try to be him. Instead, follow his model of authenticity and genuine concern for his fellow human being. When he put on the McDonald’s apron no one believed that he had worked at McDonald’s, but they appreciated that he was there and how he openly mocked Harris for her claims of working in one “I’ve now worked fifteen minutes at a McDonald’s more than she did.” he said or words to that effect. When Biden called us Garbage for disagreeing with the left, he climbed on a garbage truck and embraced that moniker with us. No one believed he had ever carried a garbage bag in his life, but he STOOD UP FOR US! Democrats on the state and national level don’t do that. Do you know Republicans that do this or could? Think about it.
“Black and Brown” communities…
In 2021, Jack Ciattarelli rightly attacked Governor Murphy for his refusing to open more charter schools in Newark, which the citizens had been (and still do) demanding. In fact, Murphy had a moratorium on opening charter schools until recently. He refussal wasn’t based on the people’s wants or needs but ONLY because the NJEA Donors. Meanwhile, his wealthy donors and children did well in their advanced, well protected school districts. Murphy’s and the NJEA’s insistence on not moving forward with Charter schools is what is damaging “Black and Brown” families in New Jersey. Murphy claimed he was protecting them. From what we don’t know. Charters have outperformed traditional public schools in Newark for years. The evidence is clear though. Murphy wasn’t protecting anyone but the NJEA donors, as the data shows. FORTY BILLION has been spent between 2014-2023 on the formerly named Abbott Districts with results that are abysmal.
Where is the accountability for this failure.
Republican dialogue in 2021 was centered around a “funding formula” for schools. We need to stop talking about a “funding formula” because it’s an inane phrase that the average person doesn’t get. What we need to talk about is the Democrats last 50 years of NON IMPROVEMENT in these schools. Any change has been abysmal with no clear path forward, as the data clearly shows. These kids aren’t going onto higher education, trade schools or a better life. It’s created a circle of poverty and crime that is inescapable for most.
The moms and dads living in those districts don’t care about a funding formula. What they see is that their kids aren’t going to school because of the Democrat controlled New Jersey cities are corrupt and dangerous places to walk and live in. When a child does go to school, they little ones live in fear and the ability to teach is nearly non existent as the outcomes of the testing show. The data is clear, Crime in Newark and other cities is on the rise and has been for the last four years. This is the product of Democrat Decisions and Governance. They’ve been in charge of the urban population centers of the state and the State for decades. It’s time for a change.
The Democrats, NJEA, State DOE and State Board of Education are more focused on getting gender equality, policies of the 1619 project and associated liberal indoctrination points than teaching our children the fundamentals of the three R’s along with Science and Social Studies. Instead, Democrats peddle fiction and waste our children’s best years of learning for left wing indoctrination. How about we teach our kids how to read, and write along with do arithmetic instead of what gender they are? Parents are more than capable of teaching our children morals. Let’s leave morals to the real professionals of raising kids, their parents.
TRUMP’s Path to Victory!
Trump also wasn’t afraid to tackle the “minority sections” of the electorate. What this means, is that he didn’t put on a hunting jacket and act like he was a professional hunter Elmer Fudd style, that didn’t know how to use his shotgun as Walz did. Trump kept his jacket and tie on and went where he went, talking to individuals of any stripe or persuasion. He went on multiple podcasts that were not the “usual” podcasts of Mark Levin or Sean Hannity. He did those as well, but he ended up on Rogan, PBD Podcast and a multitude of others. The purpose of these were to reach the wider electorate. No one’s suggesting going onto a hostile setting, but there are plenty of local podcasters that are not “right wing” that appeal to a broader audience. Talking about Republican Values and the problems faced by the modern family is something that makes connections for all of the electorate. It’s where he shined, as he walked through a grocery store, talking to people who were shopping, getting an earful on the struggles of life, going up to the cashier and talking about the families that came through. This was the Authentic Trump. Letting the people know who the candidate is instead of the facade that someone such as a Gottheimer or Murphy create to shelter the real klepto-political/corporate creep.
Whoever can be authentic, talk to the middle class family and speak to their troubles with clear solutions should be our candidate of the future.
As you can probably guess, the media never show the part of Trump listening to others as they relay their life struggles. But he does listen. He asks questions, he engages those he is talking to, not just stares at them inanely until the next celebrity person comes along to talk to him. He doesn’t give canned responses such as “From a middle class family…” Instead, he hits them directly with the hard facts that are their life. “The price of your food is too high and we have to get it down if we want to help our families. It has to be a priority of our administration.” or “ Our housing costs are out of control, partly due to the high property taxes caused by an out of control state and local governments that seem to think we have deep pockets when we don’t and partly because of the out of control illegal immigration of the Biden/Harris administration.”
This is the path to the future. Which candidate can do this? We will see. I have hope that there is a candidate out there who can see this path and will follow it because New Jersey should be a Swing State.
Who is Agrippa?
Agrippa writes for Beating the Matrix and other sites. He covers topics and other issues involving current events. A person who has been an ardent supporter of President Trump he has experienced his mistakes and understands the simple humanity of the people around him, appreciating even Democrats. He, as many others do, have faith in the American People.
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