The Case Against Kamala Harris

Should we worry?

You would think from all the positive play of press for Kamala that this would be hard to make, the case against Harris. As the media attempts to memory hole things such as her involvement in the border crisis, the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal, her insistence that Biden was a high function, non-dementia patient and her role in supporting Bidenomics.  These few issues are only the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

Let’s be clear that there is a reason to believe that Harris can win.  Historically, the Democrats have demonstrated the ability to cheat and steal to win. We shouldn’t take her repeated failures as reason alone to think she will lose. Nor is her inability to string together coherent sentences or her ineptitude as a reason to suspect she can’t win. We cannot depend on her questionable methods to accomplish her path to power as a reason for her to not do well this campaign season.     

But how can such an utter failure as Kamala Harris win? She didn’t win any delegates when she ran for the Democrat nomination for president.  She dropped out first because there was no way she could win. She had a terrible performance in the debate.  Donors abandoned her along with the voters. Democrats won’t let you say this, but the truth is that Joe Biden only picked her because she was black and a female. Joe used one of those filter programs. He selected all “black” people and then he selected “women”. As it turns out, she’s Indian, or Caucasian. The point isn’t that she’s not black or is black. The point is her dishonesty. Throughout her career she has pandered to the group that will draw her the most attention at that moment. In her win for Senate, she was an Indian American. Her bona fides to lock up black men when she was a prosecutor – well she was black, so she’s not a racists. It comes down to Joe Biden’s statement that he was going to select a vice president that was black and female.  So, was she a DEI hire?  

Was Harris a DEI Hire?

Let’s ask some other questions. Isn’t Senator Warren equally qualified? Why not her? What about Bernie Sanders? He certainly generated lots of support in 2016 and 2020. He nearly became the nominee but for cheating on Hillary’s and the Establishment’s behalf. What about any of the candidates who got ANY delegates in the 2020 campaign? Remember, it was a big field. What about combat vet Tulsi Gabbard?

We could play this game all day. Right? Why not any of the “qualified” candidates listed above. Because, Sleepy Joe had one and only one desire. Picking someone who was black and female. That was his campaign promise. Imagine, after making that promise, if he picked the old white guy Bernie Sanders. So, you answer the question. Was she a DEI Hire? Or put another way. Would Kamala Harris have gotten the nomination of Vice President from Joe Biden if she was a Caucasian woman from the burbs of New Jersey?

The answer is simple. NO, she would not have!

Qualifications for Failure:

Let’s talk about her qualifications for failure.  We know she was a prosecutor in California.  We also know from evidence here, and here indicate that she was a bad prosecutor. That she didn’t believe in defendant’s rights.  She refused to implement something called the Brady rule (“Sen. Kamala Harris ignored pleas from her staff to institute a defendants’ rights policy while she served as district attorney of San Francisco“) which requires the prosecution to reveal any exculpatory evidence (evidence that could prove the defendant innocent) to the defense.  Then she laughed about using pot, a crime that she locked up over 1,500 for between 2011-2016.  

This bit of insight shows us why Harris was okay with the lawfare used against President Trump. Her MO, modus operandi, has been to use the legal system for her own ends. She’s done it in the past as pointed out before. She’s using it now. She fully endorsed going after her campaign mate’s political enemy because it would advance her career. Not because it was right. Just as it wasn’t right to keep evidence from a defendant. Just as it wasn’t right to mock the people locked up for something she bragged about doing. This is elitism at the height of it’s failed moral character.

Kamala and Criminal Behavior!

Let’s ignore those real issues of moral character.  She finds smoking of pot offensive (unless she has done it and inhaled), but not the burning down of cities as happened with the George Floyd riots.  Let’s not forget how she encouraged people to donate to pay into the bail for criminal behavior.  Yet, this has been memory holed.  Here’s a link for the search for Kamala back of Minnesota Freedom Fund.  Then there’s the gaslighting here and here. Interestingly enough the articles posted before will not appear until you go to page 2 of the searches.  Interesting.  What you will see as you peruse through the articles is a SLANT towards how the information is only “partially true”.  They point to one person being found guilty and of course, it’s Trump who is misleading – not the biased media trying to cover for their candidate.  

And this is the point.  You don’t have to search for it to find this bias.  Each of the articles on the front page are decidedly biased in favor of Harris. They gaslight you into think that the damning information from the past is fake news. It’s not, as we’ve pointed out above and how we’ve detailed it successfully in several of our shows.  The most recent how the BILLION DOLLAR A DAY anti-Trump/Republican Brand is attacked, falsely mocked and ridiculed. It’s the main reason behind the Bigotry towards Christians and now Jews. It’s all designed to support the Democrats, to help them retain power.  

Billion Dollar a Day in IN-KIND Contribution:

There’s no hidden agenda here.  The media is run by corporations.  The corporations make money for the elites, who are the people within Washington D.C. and their power “elites”, either family or friends.  The way that these corporations maintain the hold on the public interest is by backing their leadership.  This is why the Wall Street Journal is in the tank for these power elites. And the WSJ is supposed to be a “conservative” outlet.  It’s not.  It’s far from it.  It’s run by the same group of people who want to offshore our jobs, hate tariffs and want unequal trade.  It’s what they’ve been doing for decades.  It’s why our jobs went to China and India and every other country other than the US.  

Keep in mind that the only reason you are really voting for Kamala is because an old white guy told you to.  Talk about White Patriarchy and what a hypocrite all the Democrats are now.  She and those who support her see themselves as the modern day Aristocracy!

Kamala is diverse.  She’s just diverse in having the power elites from the Democrat Party, supplemented by the useful idiots in the fringe left along with the power elites who were the Republican Party but are now the Anti-Trumpers.  They may pay lip service to supporting Republicans and Trump, but only as long as they can turn around and stab us in the back. Their goal; enriching themselves that cost of anyone but them! 

Lastly, there’s the Inflation Reduction Act. Which neither reduced Inflation or was legitimate. It was done through reconciliation instead of a straight up vote! So much for “democracy”. Reconciliation encourages amendments or pork to be added. Amendments such as the $181B increase in Tax enforcement, $783B for climate change, embedding $663B into the Federal Tax Code. So Much Pork added, all agreed and voted for BY DEMOCRATS! And who is responsible for this marathon of Voting called a vote-a-rama. Yes, we can blame Biden, but that tool is broken. The main lynchpin that was at the center of this action of Government Piracy? Non other than Kamala Harris as the Vice President who passed the tie-breaking act.

Tipping Point:

We’ve reached a tipping point.  Perhaps this is best said in a different article, but for now understand we’ve reached that point in our journey where the media is shown it’s true colors. The left has reared it’s ugly head.  In Animal Farm this would be where the Pigs put out the line. “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others

You are NOT the animal that is more equal than others! The media, corporate and elites of both parties, but especially Kamala and the Democrats are the animal that is MORE EQUAL than Others.

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Article: You’ve been Abandoned!