Kamala votes 100% with Joe Biden

Kamala has voted 100% of the time with Joe Biden.  That voting record has created the highest inflation in nearly a hundred years, reaching twenty five percent.

  • That voting record has allowed women to be raped because of an open border policy.
  • That voting record has threatened women’s sports.
  • That voting record has turned our cities into crime alleys with revolving doors of bail for violent criminals who repeat and escalate their criminal behavior.  Yet, they face no justice.
  • That voting record has endorsed attacking political opponents in the courts and in the streets as a means to influence votes. 
  • That voting record is responsible for wars across the planet, from Ukraine to Israel and beyond.  That voting record has voted for weakness and retreat from a position of strength.  Increase in the threat from China and Russia. 

It’s hard to quantify which endorsement and vote by Kamala has has the worst impact on our society.  Sure, it could be any of those above or it could be the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal.  We know for example that over three hundred thousand “assault” rifles were given to the Taliban, over sixty thousand machine guns, a hundred and sixty two thousand high end radios coupled with sixteen thousand night vision goggles.  That’s not counting that hundred fifty aircraft, a hundred and twenty thousand pistols.  All handed to the Taliban, paid for by the US Taxpayer. 

And there is a case that Kamala is the sole single authority responsible for this great lost and debacle.  

Have you needed a pick up truck recently?  The pick up truck is the symbol of American Independence! Did you know the price for them have gone up 20k+ in three years. Did you need one? Too bad, forty two thousand ended up in the hands of the terrorists.  How about a new heavy truck for you to carry equipment. Kamala was the last person in the room when she handed over eight thousand of those trucks to our enemy.  

She bragged that she was the “Last Person in the room” as she said to Dana Bash, and that she’s usually the last person in the room for all the big decisions. 

We know that Joe really isn’t as sharp as a tack and that he hasn’t been since he told Ukraine to fire the prosecutor to protect his son.  Which means that Kamala has been the major influencer on decision making.  So yes, Kamala, you are responsible for the deaths of those thirteen Americans, even if Joe Biden can’t remember them.

The point here is that if you trust Kamala you are trusting to have another four years of Bidenesque like economy, foreign policy that encourages war and death and promotes American weakness as a viable foreign policy.  Less money to feed and clothe your kids, heat your homes or even have your lights on.

Choose wisely in November!  If you don’t then we’re all done!  

Reference: Link for weapons list: Article

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